Following are few simple tips N tricks on howto load balance users among multiple PPPoE Servers working on same LAN.
This is some times required if you have thousands of users and you
want to avoid overload single server. Following the tips, you will be
able to do load balance as well as fail over configuration , if one
server dies, other will automatically take the load
The PPPoE Client sends out a service inquiry and whichever mac address responds first is the one it tries to connect with. This is the easiest way to load balance PPPoE.
# Cofigure two or three PPPoE servers with the same hardware and same service name to the same switch where clients are connected. If users are assigned by ip pools, make sure the pools don’t overlap.
# From Each client, the two pppoe servers must be reachable at L2.
# Each client can connect randomly to one pppoe server or the other. The PPPoE Client sends out a service inquiry and whichever mac address responds first is the one it tries to connect with.
# If one server is Down, All users can Connect the second one or Only available Server.
Howto scan pppoe servers running on your Network.
# By using pppoe scanner, you can search how many pppoe servers are running in your network. Open Terminal and use
| /interface pppoe-client scan ether1 /interface pppoe-client scan ether2 |
it will show you all the servers running on this interface connected network.
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